What exactly is youtube? What does it do? How do you navigate it? What is its purpose? Youtube is an online database of home and professional videos and even a few movies that allows a user to watch what he/ she pleases while staying on one site. The concept is similar to the newer Vimeo. A user can type a query into the search bar and any video with a relation to the query will show up in a list. To find the relations between video and query, the database matches words in the search to that of title, description, and Tags (words about the video that can be attached such as "dog, funny, fail, kid trips, vacation, party".
Whats good about youtube? Youtube is great because one can search for a plethora of videos while staying on one site. The convenience of the advanced search engine saves time rather than wasting it scanning thousands of videos just to watch one. Youtube actually recommends videos for based off passed viewings, and if thats not enough, you can create your own account; for free! On your account, you can upload your own videos, friend other users, or subscribe to other users. The subscription sends you an alert every time the person have subscribed to uploads a new video. And finally, since youtube has been bought by google, you can link your google account, with your youtube one!

Whats bad about youtube? Youtube doesn't have too many problems since it is owned by Google, one of the best website programming company in the world. However, there still are three I would like to mention. First off, the ads; I can't stand them and neither can 3/4s of the youtube community. They either stall your video, or they block out a small section of your video until you closes it. It honestly isn't that bad the first time or so, but after seeing the same ads for just ten videos, it gets kind of annoying. The second problem, not a big one, is that sometimes you either can't find the video you want because it has obscure tags and/ or title, or the video isn't even on youtube. The third problem is the corporations who have rights to videos (mostly music). Companies like EMI claim rights to videos on youtube and have them removed (which means you can no longer watch the Dirty Harry music video by the Gorillaz). Companies like Vevo buy out the bands too so some videos are only on the Vevo pages, and the Vevo pages are plagued with ads.
Is youtube a tool that could be used for education? It's possible because there are tutorial videos, and online lessons, but its highly unlikely your parent or teacher is letting you on youtube due to all the other videos that might distract you from your work.